Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Pipe Organ Table

A walnut-edged quarter-saw-white-oak table top sits on a base created using vintage pipe organ notes. The table top has a butcher block finish.

The organ notes were first cleaned and then preserved using a high grade furniture wax, which has been applied to both the pipes and the table top. The steel posts have been finished in black. Notice that there are pipes/notes placed on both sides of the table base.

Fact: Each pipe in an organ is unique, having precise length, diameter, shape, material content, etc...

(Click on pics for a larger view.)

Update: The finished table, drying at Roger's place. Wow!

Progress: Below is the mock-up for final approval by the client,
and an aerial view of the unfinished table top.  

The table will then be disassembled and all parts will be 
finished individually before the final assembly. 

Below is his first pic of the work in progress.